About Us
That it takes a village to raise a child is key to the support KLIC provides. KLIC’s work with young people is underpinned by community consultation and collaboration, recognising that each community is as unique as the young people who are part of it. Through community consultation and collaboration with stakeholders, such as government and non-government agencies, KLIC can design programs and services that best meet the needs of the young people, the organisations and the region. Collaboration and consultation also helps to ensure that genuine stakeholder participation occurs, from the young people through to the adults that play a significant role in their lives.
KLIC Mission
KLIC supports the growth of young people and their communities through
Knowledge, Life skills, Investment and Connection.
KLIC Vision
That every young person is fully supported throughout their lives, enabling them to reach their full potential and become confident, productive and engaged members of society.
Director and Founder - Andrew Edwards
Andrew has extensive experience working for the last 25 years in community development, business development and delivering innovative programs to children and young people.
He has worked on some amazing community and youth development projects in the Middle East, Africa and the United Kingdom before returning to Australia to continue this work.
Andrew has worked collaboratively with many agencies and departments across NSW and Australia over the last 30 years and is constantly exploring new ideas of what works when working with young people.